On the
5th Day of Christmas
You could do this: Bemoan your miserable fate! - till even you get bored of hearing yourself
But do this instead: Be an Agent of Change for one day and take matters into your own hands
No matter how many times you've heard it, I'm gonna say it again here once more: VOLUNTEERING is one of the best things a human being can do for others, for the community, for the world and for their karma.
So many things may seem, and very well may be, out of the hands of a Motherless Daughter, but choosing to VOLUNTEER is one simple act that can - help put things in persepective, help get you active, help get you reconnecting with others, and help you see what Motherless Daughthers sometimes forget to see - that there is still life out there (and sometimes that life needs you).
Here are some suggestions to get your VOLUNTEER imagination fired up:
Local - help prepare meals for families living at a Domestic Violence Shelter
National - participate in a letter writing campagin to you state's Senator based around some issue signifacnt to you
Global: start a Christmas Clean Up Day - and pick up trash at park or a beach then... RECYCLE!
On the
6th Day of Christmas
You could do this: Ask, ask, ask for peace, for the pain to go away, to hit the lotto
But do this instead: Give, give, give blood
Motherless Daughters spend a lot of time in their lives asking. They ask their Gods, spiritual adviors, therapists, families, best friends, strangers. They ask for things they can't have anymore. They ask for things they get and then realize don't actually matter. They ask questions others can't answer.
So let's spend some time not asking, let's spend some time being okay with the answers we already have, and instead let's take that time to give.
Giving blood literally means you are helping to save someone's life. It seems to me, one of the best balancing acts of the universe that you can be a part of. And if you're hardcore enough, like my friend Kelley of Don't Know How Ya Do It, you can donate platelets as well.
I've just signed up to donate blood on December 26th! When will you donate? To find out where to donate in your 'hood check here - GiveLife.Org
And if you can't donate blood yourself, then recruit one of your friends (or even a few of them) and make an afternoon out of it!
Eat a good breakfast together, take the drive to the donation center together, hold her hand (or his hand) during the process, slap the "I Donated Blood" sticker on your foreheads and then go eat a yummy lunch!
I hate needles, so I may recruit a friend to just to hold my hand anyway ;p
I do volunteer. When it's slow, I only do it once a week. But I offer to do more.
I'm not allowed to give blood anymore, neither is gigantor. Something about being stationed in Italy, and eating beef when the mad cow scare. They said next time we could give blood would be in 243 years. Yeah, why didn't they just say never. good grief.
'Fica - thanks for reminding me that some folks can't donate. I'm going to amend my post right now - need to add one more little line...
I can't give blood, but i'd pay someone to do it for me... :-(
Does it count that I'm sharing my blood with an unborn child? I got my cool I donated a gallon (is it a gallon?) pin before I started renting out my womb to my kids. ;)
Mad Munkey - I'll take the moolah!
Being Made - it totally counts! And, I'd say, having a kid is probably the ultimate in balancing acts of the universe. I'd like to think, if I had a kid, that their spirit would be hanging out with my Mom before they came to hang out with me.
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